Virtual Run
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 14 stycznia 2025 r.Virtual Run
No matter where you live or where you currently are, you can participate in the Sybir Memorial Run, running anywhere in the world.
If you choose the virtual edition, your challenge will be entirely different from the runners starting in Białystok or Wrocław. You can run 5 km… or you can cover a much longer distance. Essentially, there is no upper limit; the idea is simple – a minimum of 5 km.
It’s Up to You:
– Where do you want to run or walk your distance? We strongly encourage choosing a forested area, in line with the spirit of The Sybir Memorial Run.
– When do you want to complete your run? The important thing is that it needs to take place between February 8 – 28, 2025.
– At what pace do you want to cover the planned distance? You can run it, or you can walk it. There is no time limit, so it’s entirely up to you how you want to do it.
– What distance do you want to cover? There’s no upper limit. You can choose any distance you like, as long as it’s a minimum of 5 km.
– Maybe you’ll decide that the best way to commemorate the events of February 1940 is to run 100 km! Why not? You could run 10 km a day for 10 days, or perhaps you have your own unique idea for this event?
The Run Will Be Special for Another Reason
We will count all the kilometres we cover together. Who knows how far we might reach? Perhaps even to the farthest places where our compatriots were deported. Let each of us contribute our kilometres, whether by running or walking. The important thing is that we honour all the deported in this way.
The Sybir Memorial Run commemorates the first mass deportation to Siberia. Let us remember that nearly every family living in the lands seized by the Soviet Union was affected by various forms of persecution. Some were fortunate enough to return home, but many deportees never saw their homeland again..
During this winter run, let us reflect on the fate of the thousands of people who suffered more than 80 years ago. Let’s do this for them. Preserving the memory of all those deported is our duty.